Is Turo A SCAM? No, Here's Why!

Is Turo A SCAM? No, Here's Why!

Fast refusal of liability: I use TURO several times a year to view cars for the Avtowow YouTube channel and in some cases I am going to rent cars for special occasions. In no case is the ideal company, they definitely have problems that they need to improve. Like many companies that grow rapidly, they can forget about customer service, and their resolution skills can become rusty.

Over time, I encountered several statements from people who claim: TURO is a scam.

Definition of a scam: "Unfair scheme; Fraud. "If it was TURO, they would very quickly come out of the business, and the word would spread like a forest fire.

This does not mean that poor customer service and poor handling of the issue with both ends of the lease agreement can be upset. It seems that this is the biggest problem coming from people who will take their cars to the tour (and even tenants). I enhance it in detail below. But first let's turn to the basics.

Table of Contents:

A Guide for Turo Hosts

TURO is similar to AirBNB, but for cars. This is an easy way to put it.

The company has two parties to its activities. There is a host and tenant. Between these two, you have TURO customer service, which has mediated issues, problems and problems that arise.

The owners can rent their car if they comply with several basic requirements. The car can not be more than 12 years old and / or have more than 130,000 people.

As a tenant, you can lease anything for rent. Restrictions and additional fees are applied if you are up to 25 years old. In addition, security deposits apply to some vehicles if the host places age limit (25 years) on their car. The returned deposit is made before renting. In some rare cases, there are vehicles that are available only for 30+ years of tenants.

Shld you be concerned?

There are all the reasons that will not worry when it comes to Doe. Most of the issues that occur when people exceeding each other between one others have participation, has participation in both sides who are not subjected to punctual, with the reporting they should do.

In addition, people are sometimes not (or probably never) read a fine print of what is covered and no, what time do people need to solve problems, and who to contact.

If you want to rent, find out all the details about how much coverage you get with your insurance plan, how many miles you can drive, that the host wants from you before returning the car and so on.

As a host, in the event there is something happening, follow the tour as soon as possible. Message, Photo and Video Documentation on any issues can speed up the permissions.

No way looks like a fraud. Below I broke some scenarios as owners and tenants may face and how to go for their permission.


Hosts: Renter Damages My Car

This is obvious. It doesn't matter if it is Ford Fiesta or Porsche 911, no one wants their car to break.

The truth is that at any time the car is on the road, it can be involved in an accident. So what happens if someone decides to check their twitter feed only for a second and ultimately from behind.

You recovered. TURO offers 1 million dollars in liability insurance through mutual freedom. They are also insured against damage to your car at two levels of protection:

  • Basic: TURO Will Cover 20% of the first $ 3,750 in Repair Costs to Your Vehicle, and 100% of the Additional Costs Up to $ 125k.
  • Standard & Premium: In Both Of These Plans, 100% of Damage-Related Costs Are Covered Up to $ 125k.

If someone destroys your car, you can develop a problem with the insurance company Arranders. Another option passes through TURO and using the advantages of their insurance coverage on your end and at the end of the tenant.

In any case, you have options. For more specific details, it is important to read the conditions of service TURO.

Hosts: What if Someone Makes a Mess in My Car?

There is always the likelihood that your tenant can make a mess. What happens when your car returns, and in the seat there is mustard, or worse, the car stinks cigarettes?


Guest pays for any and all cleaning costs.

The key with the requirements such as those that must have before and after the photos are loaded into the application. In addition, you need to report a problem immediately after receiving your car.

To get an idea of ​​what compensation you get, there are different levels:

  • Moderate Cleaning: $ 50. Dirt on The Car's Exterior, Food Or Dirt That Needs Vacuuming, Light or Sticky Stains, Ect.
  • Heavy Cleaning: $ 100. Large Stains on Hard-To-Clean Surfaces, Like Cloth.
  • Severe Cleaning: $ 150. Anything That Requires a Steam Cleaning or Full-BlowN Detail.
  • PET-HAIR: $ 150. No Dogs Allowed. No Cats, Either.
  • Smoking: $ 50-150. SCENT REMOVAL, PHYSICAL DEBRIS CLEANUP (Ash, Cigarette Butts, Ect.)
  • Maximum: $ 250. Anything Beyond The Previous Conditions, Or Multiple IsSues Combined.

Hosts: Will My Car Insurance Be Affectedd?

As far as I know, rent your car to other people, does not cover the tenant, nor you are damaged. Your personal car insurance will be useless (if you do not go after commercial driving insurance).

If your car becomes destroyed, you either resolve it with a tenant, TURO, or you pay out of your pocket.

Renters: Host Claims I Damaged His / Her Car, What Should I DO?

Before it happens to you, document your lease from all 36O degrees inside and outside.

This usually can be avoided by providing clear evidence when you received the vehicle and when you returned it.

If you have finished getting insurance (strongly recommended) through a round, things like fat chips, complex wheels, stunning gusts, and much more, more and more, you can take care of a little without money from your pocket.

When there is no consent between both parties, take it to the theer and see where it goes from there. When inadequate evidence is presented, the favor tends to lean towards the tenant.

Renters: The Host Cancels AT The Last Minute ... What Now?

This can be avoided largely before you choose your car by: checking with the host, asking whether any problems or delays that he / she does not know. Then you say the owner exactly how much you will be there and inform if there are any modified to give you an advanced notice.

When the hosts are canceled, they are punished. TURO created the system to where it is not only financially wounds the host to cancel (especially early), but the host can lose the privileges of your account if they do it too many times. This, of course, is processed in each case.

If your host cancels within 30 minutes before the scheduled booking, you will receive a full return of funds to your TURO account or full return of funds back to your bank.

The most useful page on the TURO website is their cancel policies page. It destroys the most common scenarios and what to do.

In Conclusion: Is Turo A SCAM?

No, toura is not fraud. They legally. They are a mediator of both parties, agree to rent an object for a predetermined price. When problems are solved immediately and properly, there is a little problem, if any.

While you follow the rules, you will not have bad experience. Theory in no way is not a sketch of the company ..

While regular rental companies serve goals (one-sided trips, always new models), they lose the "personal" relationship of customer service. Separate hosts usually have one or two rental machines. The feeling of "special" is much more present, passing through TURO than most of the main rented agencies.


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