- Last Updated: February 5, 2021

Today, more than anyone before, the electric vehicles became a lifestyle. This is the future, in the end.
Tesla is undoubtedly the most icon company to create electric vehicles that look good. From its model S, to the last model Y, there are Tesla for each need.
Although you can get used Tesla in less than 30 thousand dollars, it may be a gaming game. Teslas high run is usually reliable, but there is no guarantee and there is no guarantee.
Buying new or even certified by the owner is a way to go to these expensive vehicles. If you want to spend some time with one (especially before buying one), the best thing to do is to rent one.
Believe me, or not, renting Tesla should not be expensive.
Personally, I rent a Tesla Model S P85 + (for $ 130), 85D (for $ 95) and a long range of model 3 (for $ 99). I save some money right now so that I can experience the X model.
I did some research and found several options that give you access to Tesla. Regardless of whether you want to rent a model Tesla S, X, 3, Y or HEC ... Even the original roadster, there is a way to do it.

Renting A Tesla, There Are Two Ways
#one. Enterprise, Hertz, Avis, etc ...
This is definitely the most popular option. Rental of automotive companies, such as Hertz, Enterprise, Avis and many others, are known having huge fleets. Their fleets are so great that they have a car finish to sell what they no longer use.
While most cars they rent not EVS, the company has several dozen cities that give you the opportunity to rent Tesla. There are 29 cities and cities such as: Atlanta, Dallas, Orlando, Washington, District Columbia, Naples, Los Angeles, Baltimore and much more.
NOTE. I explored Herz and Avis for similar access to Tesland, but I came up with. Pages that I slept did not demonstrate any fleet or which cities they are available. The company seems to be one of the few companies that give you the TESLA version.
Typical requirements for TESLA rental (from the enterprise in this example):
- Must Be 25+ Years of Age
- Have a Valid Driver's License
- Valid TransFerable Full-Coverage Insurance
- Present A Security Deposit (Amount Varies)
- Major Credit Card On File
The main advantages for rent through companies such as an enterprise is that you can return the car to most places for businesses, and you have 24/7 access to customer support.
The main bond is that you are limited to 150-200 miles per day (additional costs of 0.25 US dollars per 1.75 cents per mile).
# 2. TURO.
If you know about Airbnb, the concept is the same with TURO. People (like you and me) who own our cars, can rent them to other people and generate rental income. Tour was around the beginning of 2010. Previously, they called relay crides until the company went on his stomach and rebranded himself under the new control.
What I like to the theer, this is what it is available even in the smallest cities and cities. Most medium-sized places give you access to many different teslas. Here is an example of the city:
In the area of Tampa, FL you can find more than 30 Teslas for rent. The most popular, obviously, model 3, but you can also find the model S, X and even Y.
Unlike Enterprise, some either come with unlimited miles, or provide you with the opportunity to pay extra so that he has unlimited mileage.
That is why you must rent through TURO:
- Lots of Unique Tesla's to Choose Fråm. From The Base Model S, To The Ultra-Fast Model S and X P100D.
- Most Prices Are Very Reasonable.
- Mileage Allowances Can Sometimes Be Negotiated in-Person.
- Discounts Apply for Long-Term Rentals (7 Days, 14 Days, 30 Days).
The main disadvantages of rent through TURO:
- Some Tesla Can Be Overpriced
- Insurance Coverage Can Be Pricey for the "Zero Out of Pocket" Package.
Rent A Tesla Model s

If Lamborghini Countach forced you to put a poster on your wall as a "future" dream car, then the model S is the same in many ways. Since 2012, Teslas has made a lot of versions and crop the levels of this car. From the very first version of 40 kWh to the last distance of 100 kWh + (400+ miles) We see the option today.
You can rent this machine on sites such as TURO for a very reasonable amount.
When I looked through the TURO for the model S for rent, I came at least 15 in my area (DC Metro). Prices ranged from $ 75 to $ 200 for an insignificant P100D model. In general, you can rent one entire 75 dollars and get a 20 miles allowance.
Finishes that I have seen were: 75D, 100D, 85, 70D, 60D and several others. Many options
On the website of the company I can find only the latest models (100D and higher). Those who are accrued from $ 125 to $ 150 a day.
Rent A Tesla Model X

The model seal its place in history as one of the first EV, you can drive not only in place, but at a great distance. It is really a handsome, smooth and sexy car. If you want something more oriented "utilities", Tesla has released its model X in early 2016. Not only he can get out of the road, but it can also accommodate up to 7 people.
I mentioned that there are butterfly doors? More than ten years, crossovers and SUVs were sold as hot cakes. You can accommodate your whole family, to go off-road, tow up to 5,000 pounds, and at the top level of the finish, lead more than 300 miles per charge. Rental model x is somewhat difficult. It is difficult because it is difficult to find a company with one in stock. The best option is again TURO. Model X is much more per day, but it should be expected. All less than 100 dollars is very unlikely, expect to pay 125-15 US dollars for 75D, 90D or 100D. This is another experience compared to the S. model if you want to try one before you buy, TURO is the way.

Rent A Tesla Model 3
If you thought that the model S and X publicly gave a lot of hype, you are mistaken. Model 3 was estimated at the first mainstream electric car up to 40,000 dollars. They supported their promise, and now you can find tens of dozens for rent on platforms, such as TURO.
If you are going to any city of medium size, you will probably find 3-5 driving during the day.
What makes model 3 so great that she has a simple design, but he managed to have so many features packed.
Everything can be controlled from a large touch screen.
Since there are so many models in the market in the market, several started to offer their unlimited mileage. Even better, most models 3 I have been leased, it was less than $ 100 a day. If you want to get an affordable EV, which comes with a reliable charger, can accommodate a whole family, has AWD (optional) and looks good ... Model 3 for you.

Rent A Tesla Model Y
At a distance, the model y looks like someone "raised" model 3 and made it in an SUV. Honestly, it is pretty close. The Y model is beautifully compressed between the model 3 and the X model. It is "RAV4" Tesla vehicles some say, while others say it is a children's model X.
Whatever you think about the model y, people love them.
What makes the model y so great, is that a lot of adjustment is needed coming from model 3 to the Y model. The interior is the same, but with the Y model, you get 3rd strings that can accommodate up to 7.
I could not find a single in the enterprise, but I found a dozen or so. Next year or so, there will be many more.

Rent The Original Tesla Roadster 1.0
Tesla Roadster 1.0 was the original Tesla released in 2008 and becomes the most expensive and rapid EV in the market.
TESLA Set the shames compared to Roadster, and they continue to do it every few years since their new models.
Although the original roadster can be 10+ years old, it is the most expensive Tesla for rent (if you can find one). Because of its rarity, you can expect to pay at least $ 250 per day. Since the time will continue to pass, this car will be the subject of a classic manifold and probably cost even more for rent.
I was looking for a whole TURO platform to find Roadster 1.0 to rent. Prices ranged from $ 250 to 2000, a day ... I'm not kidding.
It may not be the fastest EV, but he is sure that the most unique one.
In Summary.
If you have other offers about Tesla rent, please let me know. Leave a comment below.
Also, remember that ATOWOW - on YouTube. Because I download the video every week if you like the following youtubers in the world of EV, consider checking Atwowow on YouTube (below).
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