Czech Skoda opens the TRASH TEST laboratory for ...

Czech Skoda opens the TRASH TEST laboratory for ...

Czech Skoda opens its own laboratory for paint test to enhance safety standards

Czech Brand launched the test laboratory with collapse. The object near Mladá Boleslav was designed to handle all known collision scenarios. In addition, EURO NCAP tests that have become mandatory from the beginning of 2020 can be modeled.

With its modern chamber technologies and LED lighting systems, it is possible to record in high quality, as well as its energy-saving structure.

The laboratory of high-tech emergency testing is actually and comprehensively imitates potential accidents, which allows you to estimate all the passive features of the security of all Skoda models.

Electrical tools will be tested too

Electrical cars will also be tested in the laboratory, which Skoda opens the laboratory for accidents. The testing ability of the technological object, which meets all the technical requirements of testing electric vehicles, will be further improved every year. In a new laboratory, which is twice the previous test center, only the test zone has a length of 180 meters.

The laboratory is based on an electric drive system, which can drive up to 3.5 tons of two vehicles to 65 km / h; This system can also speed up one car up to 120 km / h. In addition to this, there are many types of equipment, such as an ultracessure "Flying base", test and simulator for testing, for testing side shots.

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