Electrical automotive costs are reduced in 2020 ...
Technologies Technologies accelerates its work in electronics electronics area to make electric vehicles more efficient.
Technologies Technologies are aimed at attracting great advantages for electric cars with its All-in-One device, which usually combines an electric motor, lithium-ion batteries and control systems that control the power distribution that is adjusted separately in the electric car.
TECHNOLOGIES DELPHI continues its works for electricity and electronic systems necessary in electric vehicles with its unit "All in one". The costs of electronic equipment used in cars are increased over the years.
For example, in 1977, while the average car included electronic equipment worth $ 110, today this amount is not far from $ 2,000.
Electric car costs
The largest cost of electric vehicles are batteries and converters that convert a constant current (DC) on AC (AC).
These converters, which are highlighted as expensive and proportional hardware, require that the converters are located close to the engine to withstand harsh environments, such as high temperatures, humidity, salt, vibration and any liquid.
Delphi Technologies, on the other hand, makes solutions with fewer cables and a smaller device for all this expensive and complex electronic equipment.
The "All-in-One" block, which usually combines an electric motor, a lithium-ion battery and control systems that control the power distribution, in an electric car, provides vehicle manufacturers with ergonomics and the objectives of the design.
Savings costs for electric vehicles are communicated as 1000 dollars per car.
Electric vehicles
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